Monday 13 February 2012

Tip #5: Time Yourself

Time is very important in any presentation whether it's timed or not. A public speaker needs to keep track of their time to know when to stop, or when to continue their speech.

So how do you do it?

When practicing your presentation, remember to time yourself. Have someone time for you, or time yourself using your phone. Time is essential to know especially if you have a time limit for your speech. Being under or overtime could cost alot in your performance, so ensure your performance is a descent time. Knowing when to stop or continue your speech, is also key for any public speaker. When performing, watch the time here and there; and if you feel like your under time, speak longer and if you feel like your overtime, try to wrap it up smoothly. Sometimes our nerves get the best of us, and we say our speech quicker than we planned or even slower. Remember to always take a moment in your speech to take a breather, and it might even work to your advantage. Yes they take up a little bit of time, but they are needed to make your speech a solid one. 

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