Sunday 19 February 2012

Tip #8: Practice, Practice, Practice

Practising your speech weeks in advance before your performance is key. The trick is knowing how to practice in a way that can really help you memorize your speech, and give a great performance to your audience.

So how do you do it?

I've always heard when practicing a speech, it's a good idea to practice in front of the mirror. After hearing this since I was young, I've continued to do it; and discovered it does work quite well. With practicing in the mirror, your able to see your performance first hand, and it can help you decide what you need to work on, or what you've mastered. Also, when it comes to memorization of your speech, the only way to memorize, is to be extremely repetitive. Keep saying lines in your speech without looking at your cue cards until you've fully memorized a section. After that section, proceed to the section. Soon, you would have memorized your entire speech, but remember, during your performance, only use cue cards as a security blanket. 


  1. It is really important to practice. Like you said, practicing in front of the mirror is a great idea because it is just like we are talking to someone else. It will help us improve in some places that need improvement. Practice makes perfect, therefore we have to practice, practice, practice.

  2. It is very important to practice. It can help us improve. Great work.

  3. This tip really helps myself prepare for a future presentation. Great job on your blog.
